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Etoiles oracle de Marseille - jeu divination voyance développement personnel

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L'égalité de l'oracle de Marseille

66 – Equality

Equality represents the idea that all individuals should be treated equally. It invites us to work for social equality, gender equality, ethnic differences, sexual orientations and religious opinions.

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La liberté de l'oracle de Marseille

65 – Liberty

Freedom, symbol of independence, represents the ability to choose one’s own path, to live according to one’s own values and to free oneself from the gaze of others. It invites you to be independent, to be free of mind and to be authentic. She recalls that it is important to overcome the constraints imposed by others.

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L'architecte de l'oracle de marseille

64 – The Architect

The Architect is a symbol of planning and preparation. He recalls the importance of building a solid foundation before starting a project, and thinking about the details to avoid mistakes. Rationalize ideas and actions to achieve long-term goals.

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Les compagnons franc-maçons de l'oracle de marseille

63 – The Companions

The Companions, a symbol of camaraderie and solidarity, represent the friends and allies who accompany us in good and bad times. They encourage healthy relationships and being a good friend to others.

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Le bâtisseur franc-maçon de l'oracle de Marseille

62 – The free Mason

The free Mason, symbol of creation and construction, embodies the ability to transform ideas into reality through perseverance and hard work. It is a symbol of vision, reminding us that to build a better future you must have a clear goal.

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L'équilibriste de l'oracle de Marseille

61 – The Tightrope Walker

The Equilibrist, symbol of correctness and harmony, represents the ability to maintain a balance between the aspects of his life, to manage the different obligations and to respect the needs of each one. It invites you to be aware of your priorities, to be organized and to listen to your needs.

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