Structure of the Oracle of Marseilles

The Oracle of Marseilles deck consists of78 cards. It does not include major or minor mysteries, unlike the Marseilles tarot. The traditional 4 colors, which are the denarius, the sword, the staff and the cup, are not present. They have been intentionally removed, because many people do not know the meanings and this makes reading the Marseilles tarot difficult and not very accessible.
The Oracle of Marseilles has been designed to be more accessible in order to facilitate reading, but also in its visual representations. The game offers many levels of reading that each person can appropriate.The game has a chronology in its cards, which are numbered from 1 to 76 in Roman numerals. The mind map has the infinite number, while the fool is numberless. The nameless arcana is the last card in the game.
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By accessing the search bar at the top of the site, you can enter in the search field all the cards you want. We advise you to start with the bohemian game card.