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bâtisseur carte oracle de Marseille
Roue gauche chariot triomphe -oracle de Marseille

The free MASON

“Life is like a marble quarry. We go there, convinced of finding wonderful stones there. All we see is unusable debris. Yet it is there that palaces and cathedrals are built.”
—Abbé Pierre, Plein Droit, November 1991


The name of this card is called “le batisseur” in French. It can be translated as “the free mason” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.

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The builders of cathedrals left behind spectacular monuments, witnesses to their know-how and creativity. Although the history of the construction of these buildings is often mysterious and accompanied by legends,it is clear that the builders formerly called“freemason”played an important role in their design and construction.These “freemason”, in French “franc-maçon ” appeared in England in 1376. This corporation brought together in the medieval period many builders including apprentices, journeymen and architects, master builders. In England, the term “freestone-mason” was also used for stonemasons who roughed rough stone. The construction sites generally occupied a lifetime.The profession was reduced to the construction of cathedrals of which the mason had undoubtedly not seen the first stone laid and of which he would not see the completion. The arcana of the builder representsthe work on the work. The builder merges himself with the stone he cuts. This stone is part of him and is his extension.He carries out personal work. He is a man who loves stone and the beauty of large buildings. He builds mallet stroke by mallet stroke. The chisel he holds in his hand roughens the stone with the force of his will to make it fair and perfect for the construction of the final building.

In the Middle Ages, cathedral builders were often members of corporations. These corporations or brotherhoods were responsible for learning and passing on the technical know-how necessary to construct complex buildings such as cathedrals. Freemasons, also known as free masons, were one of the most influential corporations in the construction of cathedrals. They benefited from the franchise granted by the sovereigns to their corporation andthe status of free men.This allowed them to travel from site to site to build.The profession of builder is not a easy and even very risky job.Beyond the dust and injuries, life expectancy was limited. The construction sites generated numerous accidents. There was no mechanization and the works were imposing. Many builders were needed to erect such a building and supervise the work over many years .Freemasons were expert craftsmen who used advanced techniques to build impressive structures. They were often responsible for the design and construction of the most elaborate parts of cathedrals, such as the vaults, arches and pillars. They were also responsible for the sculpture and the decoration of these structures.

The builders were artists as well as craftsmen. The terms were confused at that time. Freemasons were known for their secrecy and discretion. They had their own language and codes, which were used to communicate with each other without laymen being able to discover their construction techniques.These codes and languages ​​were frequently based on symbols and allegories, which were used to teach concepts and values ​​to the members of their brotherhood.Construction secrets were not to be divulged. Cathedrals are a symbol of strong power at the time, and the techniques used in their construction had to remain secret, hence the transmission of know-how orally, a tradition kept to this day. The cathedrals built by Freemasons were works of art that reflected their creativity and artistic sensitivity. Builders often competed to create innovative and ambitious designs, which could be realized using their technical expertise. Cathedrals were typically decorated with elaborate carvings and colorful stained glass windows, which reflected the artistic vision of the Freemasons. Cathedral builders created enduring monuments that have stood the test of time and inspired the awe and wonder of succeeding generations. Cathedral builders were exceptional, creative and committed craftsmen. Their contribution to the history of architecture is inestimable, and their achievements still remain today as impressive testimonies of their know-how and imagination.

Today, builders are philanthropic and are known for their commitments to the values ​​of freedom, equality, solidarity and justice.They are frequently involved in social projects and humanitarian projects, such as the construction of hospitals and orphanages. They aim to ensure that everyone can live in harmony and freedom, like their corporations.

Card 62 - The free Mason

Carte arcane bâtisseur l'oracle de Marseille




Get started






Hard work

Not see the end

Passing through



Be tried



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