“The fortune of men is a wheel and does not always leave the same ones at the top.”
The name of this card is called “la roue de fortune” in French. It can be translated as “the wheel of fortune” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.
The wheel of fortune is one of the arcana present in the Marseille tarot. This fortune or misfortune, this good luck or bad luck, is represented in the form of a cycle. A wheel that turns, giving everyone a place that can evolve at any time in our lives. Sometimes depicted with several kings around the wheel, it claims“I will reign”, “I reign”, “I have reigned”, returning to its starting point.Thus the circle is completed . Who turns this wheel? Is luck related to talent or to beneficent chance? Should we count on our luck? Is destiny written? Does chance exist? Destiny is cruel from time to time and this wheel is there to remind us that life is not a long, calm river, everything can collapse at any time. moment. Life is in perpetual motion. Today’s achievements are impermanent.
To better talk about the different cycles, we can differentiate a few notions. Unexpected events, hazards, risks and problems offer us different visions. First of all, unforeseen events which can be positive or negative, and therefore are not predictable and independent of our will. Then, we havethe hazards which are possible events and which can be clearly identified. Then,the risks which remain potential, uncertain, supposed, but not yet produced, unlike the unforeseen. And finally,the problems which are emerging in our concrete reality and which must be resolved.
This wheel also shows usrepetition, like a cycle and the impermanence of things that happen to us.Sometimes we make mistakes and we fall into the water, we get back on the wheel and we fall again at the water. The problem is not the error for which we fall into the water, but to persevere in this error, because we do not have the tools, the hindsight , the capabilities to manage this problem. With this arcana, it is important to observe the surrounding cards. Winning means accepting to lose.
The wheel turns, it is in motion, that’s life. In life, the wheel sometimes turns too quickly. You have to know how to savor all the moments, including the failures. Accepting your failure means accepting to grow. When the wheel is blocked! How to unlock it? Does it depend on our will? Who activates the central crank? If the power to turn this crank does not depend on us, can we reclaim this power?The wheel of fortune teaches us that all situations are fleeting. We can move from the water to the most comfortable place, and vice versa. When the wheel locks, the movement is frozen and blocked. All fixed situations can give rise to bad habits and cause mental stagnation. Movement is life. Let the wheel turn!
Past life