Etoiles oracle de Marseille - jeu divination voyance développement personnel

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Cartouche - carte le soleil- oracle de Marseille

19 – The sun

The Sun, a symbol of vitality and success, represents fulfilment. It invites us to radiate confidence and optimism, to let our true nature shine and to live our life to the full. It reminds us that anything is possible if we believe in ourselves.

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Cartouche - carte le puzzle - oracle de Marseille

10 – The puzzle

The Puzzle represents the pieces that must be put together to form a whole. This card symbolizes problem solving. It can refer to a complex situation. It invites us to look at things from different angles to find solutions.

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Cartouche - carte le couple- oracle de Marseille

08 – The couple

The Couple, symbol of union and harmony, represents love and complicity. It invites you to find your other half, to build a solid relationship and to cultivate harmony in romantic relationships. He reminds us that love is a powerful force that can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our dreams together.

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Cartouche - carte le roy- oracle de Marseille

04 – The King

The King represents authority, responsibility and logical balance. He is the symbol of the father, the leader and the protector. He also embodies ambition, wisdom and discipline. It invites you to use your reason and your will to make right decisions and to act with determination to achieve your goals.

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