“The sun never sees the shadow.”
The name of this card is called “le soleil” in French. It can be translated as “the sun” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.
An emblematic card of the Tarot de Marseille, the sun brings us to a card of joy, health and well-being. It however hides within itself all the faults behind this blinding light of happiness . When the wall hides the sun, everything can darken inside. The rays of joy and happiness no longer reach us. The radiance of the sun will only depend on us, our interior and our radiance. Sexuality is happy.
When the sun shines, we feed on this energy in order to enlighten our minds and make our attitudes, our energies and our hearts feel the warmth of the sun. The sun is comforting and brings to great serenity. This warmth brings us to a sweetness of life and harmony. To live without the sun is death. Nothing grows, everything dies. It is an energy fully experienced. We will then understand that the sun is vital and that ‘there can be no life without sunshine.
obstacle to happiness
happy times
burn the wings
positive energy
Lack of protection