71 – The Temperance
Temperance, a symbol of self-control and moderation, represents the ability to control one’s emotions and impulses to achieve balance. It invites you to find a balance between extremes, to avoid excess and to be patient.
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Temperance, a symbol of self-control and moderation, represents the ability to control one’s emotions and impulses to achieve balance. It invites you to find a balance between extremes, to avoid excess and to be patient.
Hope, symbol of optimism and trust, represents the ability to believe in a better future, to maintain a positive attitude despite difficulties and to set goals to achieve. She recalls that hope is essential to pursue one’s dreams.
Beauty, symbol of perfection and aesthetics, represents the appreciation of beauty in all its forms, both in nature and in the arts and human creations. It reminds us that beauty is subjective and that everyone can find their own meaning.
Knowledge, symbol of wisdom and intelligence, represents the ability to learn, understand and put into practice the information acquired. It reminds us that this virtue is powerful and that it is the key to understanding the world and to progress.
Peace, symbol of serenity and tranquility, represents the absence of conflicts and harmonious coexistence. It invites us to cultivate empathy, understanding and tolerance towards others. It reminds us that peace is a state of mind that must be cultivated on a daily basis.
The nameless Arcanum, symbol of end and renewal, represents the end of a stage of life, the transformation and the transition to a new phase. It invites us to be open to transformation and to be ready to leave behind the past to move forward into the future. It reminds us that it is a natural part of life.
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